brand design ; graphic design ; apparel design
Cleveland Vegan has grown to be a city-wide if not state-wide beacon for the veggie inclined. Their branding was developed at the same time they debuted, and as they put it to me, felt as if they had grown out of it.
The initial charge was to make this big, bold, and fun.
Vegan food comes with a lot of perceived pretension and assumptions. What Cleveland Vegan prefers to do — and has done since they opened — is just to make awesome tasting food, without meat.
After some adventurous rounds, CV felt they wanted something far more traditional and simple instead.
In the end I think we found a solid solution that is clean as hell with just enough boldness in the sans serifs to retain some modern fun.
I did manage to revitalize their “carrot”. The original was an aspect that lent to the mark feeling dated. This one feels like a fun stamp — or a sticker on a sandwich box.
I did some very preliminary concepts for apparel artwork but they opted to take the designs in house. Alas.