Maybe it’s a juggernaut of a government with a complete imbecile as a figurehead… maybe it’s a religious cult telling you what’s right and wrong about your body or lifestyle… perhaps it’s more abstract… maybe you’re tired of seeing neglect or suffering… or maybe you’ve just been wronged by someone without a voice to say so.
The point being that in these times of upset it feels as if there’s nothing that can be done. You can’t fight an army alone, you can’t cure hunger with a magic wand, you can’t crow about pain because all people hear is screeching. There’s an irony in most of us having issues but no one wanting to hear a martyr or soap-boxer. But the situation isn’t helpless. You’re not finished. None of us are. Even when you feel there’s nothing left for you to lose, there’s still something to left to give. The Old Flame project will aspire to do more than just design objects, it will in turn use more than half the profits from sales to contribute to charitable investments — all with your help.
The idea is a simple one in that by channeling energy creatively; by making rather than destroying; it becomes a way to exorcise all the started the process in the first place. And through the actions of making, sharing, and donating, change will occur.
“Those in the way beware! Before everything falls apart… Create!” — The Flatliners
Everyone has an idea of what a good charitable offering is and everyone has a good idea as to where that money should be donated. At first, I was going to be the gatekeeper and sought out suggestions from friends and family…and then everyone had a different answer.
So I’m making this easy. I want to draw and design items I like, I want to give back. I don’t want to tell people what to do, nor do I want to make decisions on their behalf. We have enough of that shit these days.
To make life easier, you will notice these items are listed with a discount code. Use it and get the cut rate. Your job is then simply to donate the other half of the cost you just saved. Tag or message me the charity you helped. Everybody wins a little.
If you don’t want to donate yourself? No worries. Buy the item at full price and I will donate 50% of the profits as if you did it yourself. On Instagram I will post what charities have been supported and hopefully inspire people to keep helping.
Please Note: This is a design project not a clothing company. Items will change and rotate. They are very limited, short runs. For the time being, once they’re gone — they’re gone.